What ıs Supplıer Fınancıng?
It is a financing method that enables your suppliers to convert their invoices arising from the forward trade between you into cash, within the limit set for your company, via the Garanti BBVA Factoring Supplier Financing System, without waiting for maturity.
Advantages to Your Company

It enables you to establish long-term, permanent and strong relationships with your suppliers.

Extends the payment term, reduces the need for working capital, provides effective balance sheet management

It eliminates the need to use a separate payment instrument (cheque, promissory note, etc.) for invoices uploaded to the system and subject to financing, thus reducing your operational costs.
Advantages to Your Supplıer

It ensures that its receivables are collected without waiting for the due date of the invoice, and liquidity can be reached quickly when needed. Thus, it helps in regulating cash flow.
Financing is provided without the need for a credit limit or collateral.
Opportunity to work for a long time with customers who are in a strategic position and with high volume of business.